Monday, August 10, 2009

Mech Eldar v2.5 (I think)

And, Arrgh, 5 points over. I'm going to have give a shout out to Dverning, Stelek, and probably King Elessar as well (just to be safe). Hell, even possibly Fritz just because I'm thinking about Jet Bikes in addition to Falcons and even Holo-Fields on them.

So, here comes the latest potential mutation of my Mech Eldar.

Mech Eldar v2.5
-Runes of Warding, Spirit Stones, Guide, Fortune

-Jetbike, Spirit Stones, Guide, Fortune

5 Fire Dragons
Wave Serpent w/ TL Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon

5 Fire Dragons
Wave Serpent w/ TL Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon

5 Dire Avengers

5 Dire Avengers

10 Storm Guardians w/ 2 Flamers
Wave Serpent w/ TL Bright Lance, Shuriken Cannon

9 Guardian Jetbikes w/ 3 Shuriken Cannons
Warlock w/ Embolden

Heavy Support
-Holo-fields, Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon

-Holo-fields, Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon

Fire Prism w/ Shuriken Cannon

Total: 1855/1850

How's it work? I'M GLAD YOU ASKED!

First, it works 5 points less, and I need to knock something out. The Fire Dragons are generally self-explanatory. The Dire Avengers sit in the Falcons and make them scoring. The Falcons in turn sit in the back, hide, and crank out a torrent of generally-twin-linked fire. Need to burn infantry and/or light armor? Eat 7 twin-linked S6 shots and a pair of S8 shots. Dakka-falcons are a legit threat to anything you point them at short of AV13-14; twin-linking it just makes it worse.

The Storm Guardians are a burnination unit, pure and simple. I kind of don't expect them to live.

The Jetbike Guardians are the other scoring unit. They grab cover and Fortune and, hey, we're as durable as (you guessed it) a Seer Council. Though, they sit back and plink away with Shuriken Cannons instead of running up and burning/shanking you.

And, why two Farseers? If I have to, I'm going to shove Fire Dragons down the other guy's throat on turn one. Two tastes of Fortune on two turbo-boosted transports in one turn gets 'em there. Then, one round of fortune always goes on the Jetbikes, and the other can get on a grav tank that's in the most exposed position. The bike-seer hangs with (you guessed it) the Jetbikes, and the other one hangs with one of the Score-Falcons.

What I'm asking my 'loyal readers' is where I should knock out the 5 points? I can't cut the units down other than the Guardian Jet bikes; they're minimal as-is. If I cut a Guardian jetbike, I lose one of the shuriken cannons. I could drop Embolden, but that buffs the Farseer and keeps me from losing a Seer and scoring unit on a crappy morale roll.

The other thought is dropping a gun. I think if I drop any gun, it's probably a cannon off one of the Wave Serpents, just because they're all carrying stuff that gets rammed in the enemy's throat.



Faolain said...

I think your best bet is to take one of the lances off the serpent. You've already got two units of dragons, falcons and such to take down vehicles.

Dverning said...

Hrm... That's a rough one. My thought is to drop the Bright Lances off the Dragon Serpents. Make those EML instead and the tanks can then move 12" and still fire both weapons. It'd also drop their threat profile against a mech opponent, making it a harder choice of shooting the EML w Dragons or the BL with other stuff.

Overall, it's a good list. I think a lot of people underestimate the humble Guardian Jetbike, especially when buffed up a little by Fortune.

I think I would try to get a Destructor Warlock into the Storm Guardians and more bodies into the Dragons, but those are minor points.

Also, any reason you're not buying Wave Serpents for the DAs too? You seem to be doing a maximal Skimmers thing...

Cheers and hope that made sense.

Unknown said...

if you remove the runes of warding from seer, you can keep it all. seer stays on the tank