Thursday, July 30, 2009
Minor Tweakage
I'm also somewhat amazed I managed to rate the 'command squad' section of FTW. Apparently I generate some traffic? SCORE. I should pat myself on the back, or something?
Instead, I'm going to keep doing what I do? Which is write stuff... I do intend to crank up some thoughts on Eldar melee choices, and I think I'll add a little side-device for tactic articles I've written.
Apparently, some of them are worth the looks? I don't think I'm The Last Word in tactics, but I think I'm capable of figuring out (and perhaps more importantly) communicating some decent ideas on what they can do.
I would like to get more batreps up; I just need to remember to bring the camera and take some notes. It's work enough to keep track of stuff, but hat's off to those who do and edit video batreps.
I am also pondering adding some stuff about Dark Heresy (as I have recently begin GMing a session for some of my buddies, including Jon) though on the other hand, I think that might dilute the blog a bit. Side note: consider hot-shot clips for las guns taking head-shots at people that have something like 15 wounds. Apparently 1d10+4 damage to the head ISN'T ENOUGH.
Likely, though, I'll just keep to tactics.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Brief News Update; Tau-storming
The Tau army continues a gradual buildup. I need to throw up photos of the Kroot, as they have been completed (well, minus 2 'hounds.') and based. The Hammerhead's still waiting on touch-up. The Broadsides are a little WIPpy at the moment, pending some components in a trade.
The army is still short some Crisis Suits, as I'm fielding three teams of three, the commander, and two broadsides. I've got one I might re-do, and the Broadsides are somewhat inspired by the good old Battletech Rifleman IIC. I've got the torso bulked up and a radar dish over the head, though it's borrowing some components from the Mechwarrior: Age of Destruction 'Ghost' battlemech. (It was the image I could find. Seriously. Please just kind of disregard the colors...) I'm a fan of the Ghost's bulky lower legs.

Of course, the question is how exactly do I pull off the wings? I'm toying with cutting off the jet pack, and making them look like they're thrusters. For those of you not so familiar with Armored Core, those 'wings' on Noblesse are actually massiv triple-barrel energy weapons. Not quite on the Crisis Suit, but if you really doubt the inherent badassery of the Noblesse? Take a look at it in the old AC4 trailer. I see Crisis Suits as moving like that, albeit slower. Mostly, it's the side-strafe booster action that makes me think of the jump-shoot-jump kind of thing.
The other thought for booster arrangement is the one on White Glint. You can take a look at White Glint in action here. I think I tried it in my prototype conversion, but didn't do the angles right and didn't get a secondary set of boosters on it.
Kroot pictures to come sooner or later. Oh, and the Piranha's pretty much painted. Just need to touch up the pilots, and they'll get posted up.
Monday, July 20, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Engage Brain before Playing, and newer Eldar thoughts
1) Have head in game.
I'm not sure what the hell happened, but I was just NOT thinking in terms of Eldar the other day. Maybe it's the part where I haven't picked them up in a month, and gave Daemons a chance? The Daemons are a different mindset, as I really do feel like they're more a 'fun' army. They ate an experimental Chaos Footslogger list, then kind of ran against Guard a couple times, and, well, I'll let you guess how Daemons do against mech guard. Hint: NOT VERY WELL.
The most comical moment was in the second round of the day, vs. Mech Chaos. Top of turn 2, I'd lost the gun on the fire prism (after it had flubbed its S9 AP2 small blast off the Obliterators...), and figured I'd just run it up into his face and annoy him with it. So, I grab a grav tank, move it 24" across the board...and promptly realize it's not the tank he wanted.
The dice were also comical; we had some swings both ways. Game one, I had 5 fire dragons take point-blank shots at a Vendetta, and...four missed. YAHTZEE! They had to meltabomb it to death. There was also the Autarch, who charged a lone Guardsman...and BOTH refused to wound the other. Not to be outdone, the Guardsman of Jon's army promptly forgot what meltaguns were for. Also, his experimental Deathstrike managed to scatter clear off the table.
It was...up to the dice, in the end, as his guys were just short of the objective, but what the hell. It was a bad game on my part.
Anyway, the more educational section of the blog.
On Falcons Again
I actually gave these guys a shot again. I configured them as 'Dakka Falcons', which is to say a turret Shuriken Cannon and an underslung Shuriken Cannon. They're about 130 points this way. No cargo.
I am pleased with the volume of fire this Falcon puts out. It's pretty much the Eldar version of the Heavy Bolter/Autocannon predator. It's just faster, one lower BS3, and the guns are all higher strength. However, with Guide it tends to be a bit more accurate. It is also mobile, as it IS a grav tank and all. 6" and pop everything, or 12" and pop one gun. The loadout makes it reasonable for hunting lighter armor, infantry, and monstrous creatures.
BS3 is one con. You can't kill what you can't hit. The other con is a bit of a list thing. Someone sees all those guns, and they KNOW that Wave Serpents are a pain? They might just break a Falcon in two because they can.
I think this is something I might very well use again. It's mobile firepower. It fits with a mobile list, and it's about 130 points.
The Vyper
I'd acquired, and recently painted, a pair of Vypers. I've magnetized (well, one came pretty well magnetized from Xardian) the guns and turret mounts, though so far I think I'm pretty sold on the double shuriken cannon version. It's 60 points, which puts it in the same neighborhood as the double scatter-laser War Walker.
It's cheap, it's swift, it has guns. It's suited to harassing infantry, transports, and the odd monstrous creature (...funny, it's the miracle of S6). It's got the speed to grab side-shots. At the cost, I don't think I mind too terribly much if the thing gets splattered.
And splattered, it will get. Open-topped AV10 is not what we call durable. The most spectacular death was when one ate a Battle Cannon round from the Defiler and simply ceased to exist. 24" range is a little short; a Scatter Laser would keep them safer, but costs more. (The scatter laser version gets four shots at 36" for the same cost) Also, they're kind of the weakest armor in the list, so I am not at all surprised when someone pays them a little attention to just remove them.
I think these little boggarts have a place in a swift, mechanized list. They're a cheap source of extra gunfire, and a fine Guide candidate. I've been taking them in single squads, and while that's not so hot for KP purposes, it means that the enemy's kind of got to think about the amount of firepower they really want to spend on 'em. I mean, it's not much, but if you're shooting them before you're shooting my AV12 grav tanks? I'm probably ok with that.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Hammerhead and Vypers
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Meditations on the Wraithlord

Friday, July 10, 2009
Making Daemons 'work'
The army's looked like:
3 Heralds of Tzeentch (Chariot, Bolt of Tzeentch, Master of Sorcery, Soul Devourer)
3 units of 5 Fiends of Slaanesh
4 units of 5 Plaguebeareres
2 units of 8 Bloodletters
3 Daemon Princes (Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt, Daemonic Gaze)
total: just under 1850
This is admittedly borrowed from Stelek and adapted to 1850.
What do I like about it?
The Fiends and Heralds put out a ludicrous amount of firepower. I like the multi-heralds, and admittedly they soak some serious abuse and tend to be good for hunting vehicles and infantry in the open.
The Plague Bearers are pretty solid for holding objectives. T5, a 5+ and Feel No Pain soak lots of abuse, especially when you go to ground in cover on objectives. Multiple units force the enemy to deal with it, and to split firepower (or combine it) to oust them.
The Daemon Princes and Bloodletters, I'm not as sold on. The Bloodletters are great, 'til there's no infantry for them to mulch. I mean, against a footslogging Chaos army, I annihilated one of his 3 large troops units with 'em. They blew away 9-10 guys on the charge (and this was like a 4-5 'letter squad) and the Fiends accounted for a couple.
But, dropping in vs. Guard? They're just not fast enough to get to grips with vehicles.
The Daemon Princes are great if the other guy's melta-heavy. If he's got just a lot of heavy weapons like autocannons and heavy bolters, then they're going to drop, as T5 and a 4+ just don't go far.
So, if we cut it to the Fiends, Plaguebearers and Heralds, we have a list that costs 1,110 points. We get options again, and have 2 troops, 3 fast attack, 3 heavy support, and 1/2 an HQ slot open.
We could concievably drop a Herald and fit a Greater Daemon in. I've a converted Fateweaver and Skarbrand sitting around I could use. Could always break that list out again and see how it rolls.
I've got Nurglings built, but am open to converting something else for the troops section.
Some thoughts...
I have a pair of Soul Grinders sitting around. Probably going to e-bay them, but there's always the option of just running them and not trying to convert up Daemon Princes. We'll be running them with at least one of the gun options, so we'll assume they cost 160 each. Soul Grinders are desirable as they are big, draw lots of fire, and nasty.
So, we go from 1,110 to 1,430. That leaves us 420 points to play with...I don't feel like buying a third Grinder, to be honest.
At this point, to be honest, I'm thinking about Furies a little. Furies have speed, and at least the strength to damage vehicles. Their statline is not exactly impressive, but their speed lets them pace the Fiends and such. Of course, their lethality leaves something to be desired...
I think going up to 3x6 Fiends is probably a good way to use some of those points; make those Fiends units a little harder to kill off. That costs me another 90 points, and puts me at 330 remaining. That's space enough to get a couple units.
I could go back to two units of 10 Bloodletters...but that doesn't really enarmor me.
I could go to two units of 11 Furies. I think I just might have to get that a shot, but I'm reasonably sure how that's going to turn out. If nothing else, I'll hope to use them to hold people in place for the Fiends.
The list, then, would look like:
Herald of Tzeentch
-Chariot, Bolt, Master of Sorcery, Soul Devourer
Herald of Tzeentch
-Chariot, Bolt, Master of Sorcery, Soul Devourer
Herald of Tzeentch
-Chariot, Bolt, Master of Sorcery, Soul Devourer
6 Fiends of Slaanesh
6 Fiends of Slaanesh
6 Fiends of Slaanesh
5 Plaguebearers
5 Plaguebearers
5 Plaguebearers
5 Plaguebearers
11 Furies
11 Furies
Soul Grinder w/ gun upgrade (not sure which type)
Soul Grinder w/ Gun Upgrade
total: 1850
Total units: 14; or 7/wave.
Opening Wave
2 Heralds, 2 Soul Grinders, 3 Fiends
Reserves: Herald, 4 Plaguebearers, 2 Furies
It's a thought...but it's daemons, and daemons just have some shortcomings.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
More Tzeentch Heralds, and even a Devilfish
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Herald of Tzeentch Completed
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Deathwing Conversion sub-assembly 1, Daemon Teaser

Why? Simple. I simply CANNOT sell my termies. It's not worth it. The Assault on Black each boxed set is a solid bargain, and as such you can order 5 plastic terminators on-sprue for $10-15 dollars. I just don't feel like handing off Termies for $2 a head. It seems like a waste of my time.
So, I'm going to do something even more time-consuming: invoke the almighty power of Counts-As, and make a Deathwing-themed army.