Hive Tyrant; 2x Devourerers, Adrenal Glands, Paroxysm & Leech Essence
10 Termagants w/ Devourers
10 Termagants w/ Devourers
Tervigon w/ Catalyst
Tervigon w/ Catalyst
Harpy w/ Cluster Spines, TL Heavy Venom Cannon
Harpy w/ Cluster Spines, TL Heavy Venom Cannon
Tyrannofex w/ Cluster Spines, Rupture Cannon
Tyrannofex w/ Cluster Spines, Rupture Cannon
Carnifex w/ 2x TL Devourers, Adrenal Glands, Frag Spines
I admit it's got some stuff I'm not used to, like spending for Devourers on the Termagants and actually running a shooty-fex. On the other hand, I'm not used to being without Hive Guard and the Adrenal/Toxin glands on the Tervigons.
My opponent was one of my old disciples (assuming he doesn't mind me calling him that) and rolled with a good ol' Black Templar double Crusader list. It was something like:
Emperor's Chump w/ Preferred Enemy Vow
Marshal w/ hammer, shield, artificer armor
5 Terminators w/ Furious Charge (4 claws, one hammer/shield)
5 Terminators w/ Furious Charge (4 claws, one hammer/shield)
9-man Crusader Squad (Fist, Meltagun, 2x Newbs); Rhino
9-man Crusader Squad (Fist, Meltagun, 2x Newbs); Rhino
7-man Crusader Squad (Plamsa gun, lascannon)
MM/HF Speeder
MM/HF Speeder
Land Raider Crusader
Land Raider Crusader
Scenario: Annihilation
Setup: Dawn of War
Black Templar Turn 1
Tyranid Turn 1
Black Templar Turn 2
Tyranid Turn 2
Black Templar Turn 3
Then, the dice make themselves known. The venomthrope dangerous terrain checks kill three terminators on their way in, then Terminators do what Termiantors do to anything they touch in close combat.
Tyranid turn three goes something like this:
Terminators on the left flank go away under a heap of devourer fire; two of them on the left flank go away. In my excitment at his ability to roll 1's repeatedly at armor saves, I forgot to take a picture. The others turn their guns on his disembarked marines, and it becomes a VERY inhospitable place as there's one plasmagunner left from one squad, and the other squad has a wounded Marshal, a meltagun, a Neophyte and a couple other space-bobs.
Black Templar Turn 4
Tyranid Turn 4
The harpy on the right (which is conspicuously absent from this pictures) flew over that Crusader squad, took a spore mine dump on it, killed some, took a shot with cluster spines, scattered the spines onto itself, wounded itself, and killed itself. EPIC FAIL.
The Tyrannofex wanders into the survivors of that squad. It eats a couple of wounds, then steps on the Emperor's Chump repeatedly.
Thoughts on the Tyranid Army
I'm beginning to see some of the logic behind this army. The Venomthropes were inordinately effective with regards to forcing dangerous terrain checks, but costing the enemy extra attacks and giving me cover saves is nice. After the game, he wondered if he would've been better off trying to potshot them with a lascannon, but I'm not too sure, since the answer is 'go to ground for the 3+' if it's not 'hide behind something scary.'
That IS a lot of monstrous creature love. The Harpies are the least durable, and their speed is more of a 'rapid response' thing than a 'look at me I'm fast!' thing. The thing is, their firepower is somewhat comparable to the Tyrannofex, but they're only useful for the suppressing aspect on vehicles. Sometimes, shutting the guns up is enough. I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised by the Harpies. I expect to have pictures of them up eventually, as they're now on the paint bench.
Devourer Termagants are a NASTY anti-infantry shooty force. Even at BS3, that's still 30 S4 shots. THey don't go on the front lines, but since they don't have enough AP to make it worthwhile.
I can even see the point of the Carnifex; the shooting is lovely and there's that whole S10-against-vehicles thing that's nice. That's one of the downsides of thea rmy; the Tyrannofex guns are the only real way to kill vehicles at range, but that's enough Devourerers to say 'slow down a little there,' and you can punch the crap out of them in a pinch.
I'll be curious to test this army against other matchups, as I feel this would've been closer had he not rolled a crap-ton of ones. I would've had to commit monstrous creatures to close combat, and probably taken more losses. I know that's a pretty solid Black Templar build, but sometimes the dice just kill you, hard.
Ouch... the dice definitely made a smackdown of that list.
That said, running with terminators is fearing the one.
He was rolling ones on immobilised, ones on dangerous terrain AND fluffing his termie saves.
That sucks.
Was wondering if you were ever going to blog again.
Sounds like you had a good game. From the looks of things, you could probably take the Tyrant off, take two primes with dual bone swords and regen and attach them to two of the venomthrope squads. Would increase your cloud range as well as provide a wound pool to soak up any S8/S9 hits. You could even end up with enough points to take TS or AG (or both) on both tervis.
It was some of the worst dice luck I've seen in a long time (well, ok, since my last time around with Tau, where two hammerheads did nothing and got spiked by a lone Tyrnnofex)
Cutting the Tyrant off denies me a heap of firepower in close. A dozen S6 shots that are BS3 twin-linked can pile the wounds on. That's enough to decently slap wounds on heavy weapon troopers, and to slow down vehicles.
It's three venomthropes flying solo; I can see how it adds durability to them but it doesn't extend the cloud range.
Additionally, if the enemy DOES target the Venomthropes wiht S8? He's not shooting my MCs with stuff that wounds them on 2+. Worst comes to worst, I should be able to get a 3+ by going to ground.
As for CC prowess...I've got a heap of high-strength power weapons in there already. If someone does get close, the army at full strength can dump a whole lot of firepower into them BEFORE I charge 'em with monstrous creatures.
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