This is a log of various 40k matches, thoughts on the armies, rants, modeling and whatever else I'm in the mood to post.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Painted Tyrannofex
So, I finished painting this monstrous, walking gun-beast thing. I've constructed a white backdrop for pictures, and attempted to locate a better camera than the one I've sort of been given. (There was a reason it was a 'gift'...)
Enjoy. The thing was fun to convert, though my paint scheme came out a bit bluer than I'd thought, but I kinda like it. at any rate, I don't feel like stripping this one and 20 Termagants.
Lookin' great!
Looks so much better than my spindly conversion using the old 3rd ed Carnifex.
Amazing! You should totally share your secrets, and post a step by step on how you made it.
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